Here is how to do it properly

Let’s face it. We all have old gadgets and electronic devices cluttering our homes. We tend to cling to televisions or kitchen appliances, and we tend to hold onto vinyl records, cassettes, and telephones for their deep emotional value. Some people also consider the financial value that some of these items will gain over time, as many people would spend a fortune on old and vintage electronics. This goes to show that one person’s e-waste is another person’s treasure!
What we’re saying is that it’s completely normal to be hesitant to throw away old technology and devices that we no longer use on a daily basis. However, it is a shame to leave them lying around the house where they could possibly get damaged. Therefore, it is essential to know how to take care of old technology, whether you are looking to keep it or possibly sell it.
Self-service storage vs home storage of old electronics
Regardless of the size of your home, you should try to find a designated place for old gadgets. Don’t leave them lying around because it’s very easy to forget them or accidentally damage them. Whether it’s phones, iPods, blenders, toasters or PlayStations, find a specific cool, dry corner of your home that you can dedicate, exclusively, to those items you no longer use. . Some of the worst enemies of old electronics are direct sunlight, heat, humidity, and dust, so you’ll want to protect your items from these environmental hazards.
Therefore, if you care deeply about your technology, don’t have enough space for it at home, or collect bulky gadgets, you should consider renting a self-storage unit. Especially with an air-conditioned space, you’ll have peace of mind knowing that your technology is safe from the environment and safe from accidental damage. Depending on how much stuff you need to get out of your house and into your secure storage space, a 5’x10′ unit can be quite large. Or, you can find the standard and most commonly used 10’x10′ storage unit is an even better choice.
This does not mean that it is not possible to store electronic devices at home. Of course, it just takes a little effort. If you are ready to work, be sure to organize your devices and separate them according to certain categories. Second, you should remove all batteries (as some tend to leak corrosive substances) and take the time to clean dirt and dust from your tech before packing it away. Remember that electronics can also contain important data and it is essential for you to ensure that your data is secure before storing it.
Connected accessories and parts are an integral part of electronics and should not be neglected. If you can, try to assemble the gadget, along with the separate parts, in its original box. If you threw away the box, try to firmly separate the main unit from essential accessories and add-ons or attachments. Additionally, monitors and screens must be properly covered, as they are particularly susceptible to cracking and breaking, so cotton cloth, canvas, cardboard, and bubble wrap are essential supplies. Since dust and pests can cause considerable damage, it’s also important to cover all gaps and cooling vents – sealing these points with tape is a common and effective solution. Storage location comes first – opt for a cool, dry place around the house and make sure the designated spot is not subject to heat and high humidity.
If the electronics you’re trying to store are still being used occasionally, check out these innovative and stylish storage ideas. Conversely, in case you’re having trouble getting organized and finding the right place for you without upsetting the whole house, self-storage has you covered in that department.
Reusing old electronics – What can I do with my old technology?
Paying attention to these guidelines and taking special care of your technology slows inevitable degradation. Although time takes its toll every time, there are several ways to delay deterioration. Ultimately, electronics are meant to be used, rather than put in a museum somewhere, so one of the main reasons for storing electronics is the thought that they might get a second life at some point. time, perhaps in someone else’s hands. The reuse and repurposing of electronics is a hot topic these days, especially in the context of e-waste growth.
Donate, sell and trade your electronic devices
We know you’d like your tech to end up on Pawn Stars and earn you some big bucks. While this is indeed a possibility, there are so many things you can do with these items. If you are feeling particularly generous, an excellent choice is to give away what you have. Most of the used devices are still working or can be functional with small tweaks and repairs and while some people are queuing for hours to get the next gen phone, other people would give anything for a ‘last gen’ phone . It’s not only selfless and socially responsible, but also remarkably easy! Donation centers such as the Salvation Army or Goodwill can help you get rid of unwanted electronics and give them another life. Community centers, refugee organizations, local schools, and youth programs are a few other groups that can really benefit from what you no longer use.
If you choose to rent storage space for your belongings, another great advantage is that you can reuse the stored electronics yourself after a certain period of time or you can give them to a friend in need, for example . Alternatively, more and more companies are buying used technology and giving you cash or store credit in return! Apple, Target, Walmart, and Amazon are just a few companies that will reward you for returning your old gadgets. Finally, initiatives such as TerraCycle Where Land911 offer mailboxes for your electronic waste, helping you dispose of it in a safe and sustainable way.
Get creative and turn tech into art and home decor
Finally, if you’re ready to think outside the box for a moment, there are plenty of original ways to repurpose your electronics yourself, giving them a new purpose and making them an integral and creative part of your home. Take a look at these innovative ideas and think about making a cat bed out of your old PC, turning a hot TV stick into a karaoke machine, or an old scanner into a working table saw. Likewise, mixers can easily become oddly shaped lamps, CDs can be used for art projects, and webcams can be repurposed as home security systems.
Ultimately, don’t just throw away an old phone or kitchen appliance when it no longer works. Instead of rushing to the store to buy a new one, find out what the problem is, get it fixed, or fix it yourself. With the help of the internet at your fingertips, repairing electronics is now more feasible than ever!