The Best Way to Buy Used Furniture| A MYMOVE Guide

Finding great furniture at low prices is the dream of many people looking to outfit their homes with high-quality, unique treasures, especially if you’re decorating from scratch. Used furniture stores are only available in a few markets, so figuring out where to buy used furniture can be a challenge. Whether you want to know the best place to shop for used furniture will ultimately depend on whether you are looking for bargain prices or hoping to get a decent deal on something antique or antique.
Where to buy used furniture online
Explore your options for used furniture websites. Buying used furniture online tends to fall into one of two categories: more standard or inexpensive furniture that is sold through a market that connects you locally, or antique, antique, or high-end furniture that is sold and sold. they ship to you. Both options offer great options for used furniture.
Facebook Marketplace:
Facebook has worked to create an easy-to-navigate used furniture hub, with many other items for sale as well. One of the main advantages of the Facebook Marketplace model is that many people find a friend-to-friend connection through the typical Facebook network and feel they can trust the transaction more. Still, even if you buy used furniture from strangers, arranging for pickup or delivery is easy and is handled between you and the seller.
Craigslist, the original simple interface for local person-to-person used furniture sales, is a good way to see a broad snapshot of the types of furniture available in your area. Quality will vary, which is why Craigslist is a good site to bookmark and check occasionally.
Next to:
This neighborhood site is primarily focused on being an online community bulletin board, but as an extension of being a place for neighbors to “gather”, it is possible to list items for sale. The biggest advantage of Nextdoor is that you are often closer to these sellers than some of the larger networks; You may only have to walk a street or two to pick up your used furniture purchase.
For high-end refurbished used furniture, Etsy has become a worthwhile option. Since this DIY and craft market features handmade items of all kinds, much of the used furniture you’ll find has been ‘recycled’, taking a damaged or old item and giving it a new life.
This app offers some great antique and one-of-a-kind used furniture, and while not everything is affordably priced, the app is easy to use and has a return policy, something you may not have person-to-person access to. sales sites like Marketplace and Craigslist.
Like Chairish, FirstDibs often has high-end used furniture, but it also has a wide range of other items. They bill themselves as an online flea market, and you never know what you’ll find.
Online shopping tips
When searching used furniture stores, apps, and websites, always use common sense to set a location or arrange a delivery. Some apps will hold your payment until you click to confirm you received the item, while others may encourage you to opt for electronic payment through a service like Cashapp or Venmo once the item is received.
Make sure you get all the relevant details about used furniture and do more diligence when it comes to deciding where to buy used furniture if prices seem high. A very inexpensive piece of furniture may be worth navigating the city to the far suburbs, but if the prices seem quite high, you may choose to search for “used furniture stores near me.
How to find used furniture near me, in person!
While online marketplaces are a great option when you’re willing to pay a fairly large shipping bill or do your own delivery, local stores and websites are best if you want the option of seeing the furniture in person or avoiding paying for shipping. . Used furniture stores are not very common, but when I find used furniture stores near me, I am there often!
Start by looking at the Habitat ReStore Site and see if there are any locations near you. Habitat for Humanity sells additional or donated used furniture and home repair supplies at low prices and uses the proceeds to create affordable housing in your community. They have a rotating supply so you never know what you will find and will usually have to go in person to see their current inventory.
Many local thrift stores will have a small or large section dedicated to used furniture for you to peruse, and some communities have auction houses or other used furniture stores.
To find property sales, which often have good prices for great furniture, use the aggregation sites Y to find advertised sales that are popping up in your area Many yard sales and property sales are also advertised on Craigslist – make a list and itinerary in the Maps app on your phone to get some sales in a row on a Saturday. If you come across a good real estate sale, ask who’s running it – they can advertise their sales on a flyer or email, and you can sign up to find out where to buy used furniture in the future.
The surge in online sales and porch delivery or curbside pickup due to COVID-19 has allowed some real estate sales and auctions to invest in technology to keep sales online. Some probate processing and settlement services such as Loving transitions or Everything except the house are available if you want to find real estate sales items without having to attend in person.
The bottom line
Finding where to buy used furniture will take a bit longer than buying new, but the deals you can get for those extra minutes of research may be worth it. By combining a look at location-based markets that allow for local pickup or delivery with the option of getting higher value pieces delivered nationally, you can find the best places to buy used furniture online, as well as second-hand furniture stores in your community.
Laura Leavitt is a writer and teacher in Ohio. He has written personal finance stories for Business Insider, The Billfold, The Financial Diet, and more.