What is Feng Shui, and How Do I Incorporate it in My Home?

What is Feng Shui? the Feng Shui Society says the definition of Feng Shui is “the art and science of designing harmonious environments based on deep Chinese understanding of how people are connected to and affected by their close environment.”
But how can you apply the meaning of Feng Shui to your daily life? By first understanding Feng Shui, its principles, and its deep cultural significance in Chinese culture, you can learn how to use the art form of design to create a harmonious home. Doing so creates a sense of calm for you and everyone in the home.
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What is Feng Shui?
Feng Shui is a Chinese philosophical system that focuses on the movement of energy in any space through natural elements, either literally or symbolically. In Feng Shui, the energy is called “Chi”. The correction of the Chi movement is called “cure.” The goal of the many Feng Shui cures is to move energy, or Chi, through a space.
Chi can get trapped in a room or move so fast that it is of no benefit. Feng Shui promotes harmony and balance, which is something that most of us would like the most in our homes.
The meaning of Feng Shui literally translates to “wind and water.“A simple way to think of Chi in your home would be to think of it as a breeze. Your goal in furniture placement and interior colors is to help the breeze move through your home. Decorating to improve flow in your home may include moving furniture, adding accessories, or painting.
Your goal is to create a balanced space that feels cool and relaxing. There is no need to add specific accessories if you are just incorporating the basic principles of Feng Shui to improve the flow of your home. Simply incorporating a few Feng Shui ideas into each room can easily transform your home.
The history of Feng Shui:
The Feng Shui Institute the practice dates back to 2000 BC. C. It evolved over time with developments such as the compass and astrology for divination. Farmers and villagers practiced Feng Shui to get lucky. They found that villages located in “favorable” locations, such as near a mountain or a stream, prospered and grew in wealth and power.
The Proposed Benefits of Feng Shui:
Some of the most important benefits of Feng Shui are related to health. According to Forbes, the main benefit of Feng Shui is stress reduction, which creates:
- Blood sugar balance
- Stronger immune system
- Low depression
- A reduction in anxiety
What are the basic principles of Feng Shui?
The Archistar Academy teaches architecture students the basic principles of Feng Shui, which they use in their building practices. The basic principles are divided into several important components.
The first principle is the theory of the five elements. The elements of fire, earth, wood, water and metal must be correctly represented throughout the space. If items are placed in the wrong locations and proportions, they can be destructive.
The second essential principle is the Bagua. Where the elements are represented is as important as which. A Bagua is a map that traces the energy or Chi centers of a space, which a Feng Shui practitioner can use as a guide.
The purpose of the two principles mentioned is to promote the proper flow of Chi, or energy, through your home.
How to incorporate Feng Shui in your home:
His kitchen represents health and family in the principles of Feng Shui. The easiest way to achieve balance in the kitchen is to create an inviting space with a flowing design and seating that encourages gathering of friends and family. Cheerful colors like yellow are perfect for a kitchen, and accessories and decorations with healthy foods promote positive energy.
To balance the large elements of fire and water in your kitchen, encourage the elements of wind and earth by adding herbs planted to a window sill. Make sure your kitchen window curtains allow plenty of natural light and fresh air.
Your living room is the Feng Shui center of personal wealth and family well-being. Most living rooms are the largest space in our homes, so you’ll want to balance the room with large furniture and accessories to curb rushing Chi.
Bright colors are desirable for a living room, but if that’s not your style, try neutral colors with cool accent colors. Arrange the furniture to encourage interaction and friendship.
Your Feng Shui bedroom should be a relaxing haven that provides a quiet space to unwind and a space to connect with your loved one. Avoid discordant or loud artwork, accessories, and colors in the bedroom.
Pink is the suggested bedroom color for positive Chi, but it is not a universally popular color. Adding a few small accessories in a muted pink color or fresh pink flowers can promote romantic energy in your bedroom.
Feng Shui in your bathroom should focus on balancing the water element. Blue and green are popular bathroom colors, along with shiny surfaces and metal, which represent the Water element of Feng Shui. Because the activities in your bathroom are primarily water-based, it’s easy to see the energy in your bathroom go completely out of balance.
To balance the abundance of energy in water (which can soak up Chi and make it heavy), add wood elements and warm colors. You can also add candles to your bathroom to bring in the fire element to warm it up.
The bottom line
Everyone appreciates the benefits of beautiful and comfortable living environments. With a few simple adjustments, you can incorporate Feng Shui techniques to make every room in your home feel calm and happy.
Frequent questions
What is the purpose of Feng Shui?
The purpose of Feng Shui is to promote harmony in your home. A harmonious home brings peace and relaxation, attracting good health and luck.
What are the rules of Feng Shui?
There are many rules in Feng Shui. The main principles include the use of the five elements of wood, water, air, fire and metal to promote a better flow of energy (Chi).
How is Feng Shui practiced in your home?
For Feng Shui in your home, you will need to learn how to emphasize certain elements and minimize others that may be too strong. For example, a kitchen is strong in the Fire element. Adding a small herb plant balances out heavy fire when introducing wood into the space.
Cynthia Paez Bowman contributed to this post.