The Ultimate Guide To Renting Apartments In Michigan

The next phase of your life will therefore take place in Michigan. Congratulations! The quality of life, the friendly people and the events happening in this place are sure to give you a fun time. People enjoyed life in Michigan years ago.
However, it is not enough to decide that you are going to live in a certain place. When you move to an area like Michigan, finding a home to rent will be a difficult process for most people. Unless you contact a company or other trusted party that sorts out a specific square footage home for you, browsing through available Michigan rentals is a top priority.
How to rent an apartment in Michigan
Finding apartments for rent in Michigan can be a challenge, but it is not a hopeless task. In fact, if you do your research on 1 bed, 2 beds, 3 beds, 1 baths, 2 baths, or a specific number of bathrooms available. The perfect place might be available sooner than you think. It’s always a good idea to be prepared and updated, however.
So here are some friendly tips on renting a Michigan apartment:
Take into account the rental period
Before you sign a lease and contact someone by email or other means of communication, find out how long you plan to stay in Michigan. You could be here due to a business transfer, new job, etc. If so, you can reasonably expect to stay here for a long time. If you’re here just to look for a new job or want to move into a house in a few months, regular renting can be tricky.
Most apartment, 1 2 bed, 1 3 bed, or 3 bed leases require a tenant to commit to renting in Michigan for at least one year. If this seems too long, be sure to specify 1 day that this is a monthly lease (last update) or that a sublet is required.
The roommate factor
If you are determined to live on your own, be prepared to pay the price. Having a roommate can usually make renting a 2 bed apartment cheaper, so think about your budget after knowing the price.
If you decide that a roommate is acceptable and sympathetic, it’s best to take a look around and make sure you live with a compatible person in Ann Arbor. Ask your social circle via email or any social media platform if they have any ideas, and be sure to check out both the apartment and the person who lives there before making a decision.
Decide on life needs
The amount of your needs will determine the level of rent that fits into your budget. If you’re not careful, an apartment in Michigan could make you accept a much higher rent than you can afford.
A bad decision here can lead to tenant remorse. Therefore, you should take 1 day to figure out how much space you absolutely need and compare it with the price of the apartment. So you need 2 beds, a home office, a 2-bed studio, space to entertain, hardwood floors and a balcony? Asking yourself such questions about the property will cut down on amenities (including washer dryer) before heading out to see anything. This way, you can hopefully get an affordable apartment without any bells or whistles.
To explore
Before you start looking at the updated rental information, take the 1 day time to do the property research. Search the 2021 map data provided by Google and check out which neighborhoods look decent enough. After that, explore if they offer equal housing opportunity and a friendly environment.
You may be looking for a neighborhood with several friendly families nearby to socialize with your own brood. Young professionals are also looking for places where they can easily make new connections and networks. You can send an e-mail to those you already know.
If all looks good based on the latest updated information you get, drive or commute from this area to your workplace and other places you frequent. You can use the data card for this. Finally, you’ll want to confirm that the rentals are affordable and decent. Therefore, it is wise to send an email to the property manager beforehand.
Respond to announcements early
It’s best to respond to announcements early, as you want to be among the first to respond to updated announcements just a few days ago. Michigan state apartments usually don’t stay vacant for long, especially if they have 2 beds and are within an affordable rent range.
However, an area could give you an apartment if you did a lot of research two to three weeks ago. Others might ask you to start your search a few months before needing an apartment. Contact or email brokers, family members and locals for the best time to respond to announcements.
Gather the necessary items
Before you see a likely property for rent, gather your updated documents and bring them along. These will be absolutely necessary if you like the apartment right there and don’t want to lose:
- Two bank statements you used a few months ago
- Check
- Updated last year’s tax returns (both signature page and first page)
- A letter of employment
- A tape measure to make sure you have enough space
- A camera and a notebook to remember things
- Two pay stubs that you received a few days ago
- A letter of reference from your former landlord or employer
It is equally important to email the electronic copy of the documents to a family member in case you lose any of the documents.
Questions about deposits
Some property managers will ask for a deposit just to hold a probable property before you finally sign the lease. Find out how much this deposit is for rent, when you will get it back and how you can lose it. Also send them an email and ask if they need another document.
There may also be a security deposit as well as other fees to be paid before moving in to rent a property. Make sure you know them as well as the expected payment for utilities.
Check the place inside and out
Take your tape measure and check the interior and exterior of the apartment, including Studio 2 if possible. You should also check the condition of the neighborhood as well as the building. If you need any amenities, like a washer-dryer or nearby fitness center, check their availability.
You can also ask the Detroit MI or Grand Rapids MI construction department for a building / unit in their area. In fact, any building department in the area you are considering will be able to tell you in a friendly manner if a building had any violations or issues a few months ago. You should also learn about the pet policy.
Be aware of civil rights
There are legal provisions that protect you when renting units in this state, whether in Detroit MI or elsewhere. For starters, no real estate owner can discriminate against you on the basis of religion, ethnicity, race, age, disability, marital status or gender.
There are several centers that you can visit if you have a problem with the rental apartments. In this state, two examples include the Fair Housing Center of Southeast and Mid Michigan and the Fair Housing Center of Southwest Michigan.
Read the lease
Finally, be sure to read the lease before placing your pen in it. This lease will specify your rights, what you can expect from the apartment and your own responsibilities. Several clauses might not be allowed when renting Michigan apartments; even if they are part of the lease, your landlord will not be legally allowed to enforce them.
To take away
Finding suitable apartments in Michigan is easier said than done. The process can be fun too, with some cool options and checking for the latest updated listings. Take enough time not to be in a rush and send an email to the contact person whenever you have a question. Even if this is not possible, following the steps above will hopefully tick enough boxes for this property to be rented out.
Having some knowledge of real estate will also help, combined with patience and a little luck. If things seem slow, remember that there are always at least a few apartments for rent!